Sep 03 2016 0

Remote Desktop Server - Windows 10 Home Edition

As mentioned in my article on the NEXXT PC Stick Windows 10 Home edition has no support for the Remote Desktop Server, only the client. So out-of-the-box there is no way to remotely access the NEXXT PC Stick.

A quikc search gave me two options to enable RDP server on Windows 10 Home edition

  • Modify termsrv.dll
  • Install RDP Wrapper Library

In general I don’t like to modify system files, this usually breaks more in the long run and you never know what issues you might run into when installing for instance updates from Microsoft. So RDP Wrapper Library was my obvious choice.

Sep 02 2016 0

Getting verified

Just because it is possible I tried to get my twitter account @drexore verified. I submitted the request for verification on August 25th, 2016. Ans so the waiting started. I don’t really expect to my account to get the verified badge (Verified badge), but who knows maybe I get lucky .

I sort of expected to receive a DM or an email to the linked address, but nothing at all… The only way to get the status of your request (at least so it appears) is to perform the first steps of the verification request again.

Aug 31 2016 0

Apps for August 2016

DotCleaner - DS_Store remover,Dot files cleaner,Hidden filesDotCleaner - DS_Store remover,Dot files cleaner,Hidden files DotCleaner - DS_Store remover,Dot files cleaner,Hidden files
Aripra Infotech Private LTD
Version 1.1 Handy tool to quickly remove all those hidden Mac dot files (.DSStore and ._*) from for instance an USB stick or external HDD.

Great when sharing holiday photos with non-Mac using friends.
Price Free
Platform Mac
Requires OS X 10.10 or newer
Size 0.7 MB

Aug 27 2016 0


Having played around with the Rikomagic MK06 for a couple of weeks I started looking for a variant running the Windows operating system.

I came across the NEXXT PC Stick which, to my surprise, is able to run Windows 10 and has reasonable specifications. Time to bring out the credit card again. This was a bit more expensive than the Rikomagic MK06 and set me back € 139 (via

My second surprise came when I received my package: The NEXXT PC Stick is designed in the Netherlands. Shouldn’t really matter but it still gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling to see this on the back of the packaging.

Aug 17 2016 0

what plastic pollution is doing to my paradise on island hvar

what plastic pollution is doing to my paradise on island hvar

Aug 11 2016 0

To update or not to update

Aug 11 2016 0

Fixing Disqus Comments (continued)

It appears the URL mapper has been fixed , so it is time to continue with the last steps to fix the Disqus comments.

URL mapper

First step is to download a CSV file that contains all of the URLs Disqus is storing comments for. Navigate to the Migration Tools’ and click on Start URL mapper’. On this page click on the link titled you can download a CSV here’. You will be mailed a link which allows you the download the CSV file. Domain Migration Tool’ again.

Aug 11 2016 0

shieldsio- quality metadata badges for open source projects

shieldsio- quality metadata badges for open source projects

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