Jan 05 2024 0

Sad news, Niklaus Wirth died at 89

Used to code a lot in Pascal (and later on Turbo Pascal with Turbo Vision for UI stuff and Delphi) in my younger years. Good memories.

Jan 04 2024 0


Easier said then doneā€¦.

Jun 19 2022 0

Senior Dev vs Junior Dev

Senior Dev vs Junior DevSenior Dev vs Junior Dev
Sep 16 2021 0

Sir Clive Sinclair passed away at age 81

Sir Clive Sinclair passed away at age 81Sir Clive Sinclair passed away at age 81
Sep 19 2020 0

Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and HobbesCalvin and Hobbes
Jul 30 2020 0


Apr 11 2020 0

Easythreed X1 3D Printer

At the beginning of this year I had seen videos on YouTube from some 3D Printing content creators that were testing/reviewing the Easythreed X1.

Here are links to some of the reviews;

Mar 24 2020 0

Uderzo passed away at the age of 92

Uderzo passed away at the age of 92Uderzo passed away at the age of 92
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