Feb 06 2016 0

Using Xcode Server 7.2.1

Setting up Xcode Server with Xcode version 7.2.1 was troublesome to say the least. With a bit of Googling I got the following three issues resolved that prevent me from using the Xcode Server and its bots for continuous integration;

  • Constant requests for access and asking to accept the license agreement
  • SVN trunk with spaces in the name never get validated (works fine in Xcode itself)
  • When running a web server on the same machine make original website inaccessible

Constant requests for access and asking to accept the license agreement

Fix: Follow the instructions detailed in this question on Stack Overflow

SVN trunk with spaces in the name never get validated (works fine in Xcode itself)

Trying to validate the source control credentials I was constantly getting the following error message;

xcode could not list all targets because some targets don’t exist (1)

Fix: (1) Renamed project folder under trunk, so it no longer contains any spaces and (2) created a new working copy for the project.

When running a web server on the same machine make original website inaccessible

When you already have a web server running on the Mac on which you active either Xcode Server or Wiki, your website is not accessible any more. This is because there is a specific order in which these services take precedence. This behaviour is detailed in this article.

In my case request for my regular website kept redirecting to /xcode.

Fix: Follow the instructions detailed in How to prevent requests for the root URL from being redirected to Wiki or Xcode services on OS X Server.

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Update on Disqus comment counts Yesterday I posted an article on how to add Disqus comment and noted I was hoping to find a tag to get the Disqus shortname. I haven’t found the
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