Mar 20 2016 0

Floating forest in Rotterdam

Inspired by Jorge Bakker his artwork In Search of Habitus’, an aquarium filled with bobbers that grow small trees, Dutch designers and entrepreneurs from Mothership decided to carry out this idea in real life’. After experimenting with a sample tree last year, an entire floating forest of twenty trees was scheduled to be planted’ on March 16, 2016 (Nationale Boomfeestdag / National Tree Day).

Mar 14 2016 0

Testing GBC modules with alternative balls

Since official LEGO balls tend to be expensive almost every body who has been infected with the GBC bug is looking for alternatives balls and/or marbles.

In the topic GBC: Lego balls vs Chinese beads’ on the Eurobricks forum the Quercetti Marbles Refill were mentioned. The marbles cost around 6 per 100 marbles, compared to the LEGO balls costing from 0.40 to whatever the seller thinks he/she can get away with.

Mar 02 2016 0

Mac Photos - Unable to Upload x Items

Noticed the following message in Photos app on my Mac

Unable to Upload 2 ItemsUnable to Upload 2 Items

First question I had was Why not?’ followed by the question Which 2 photos?’

The answer on the first question will be answered’ later, the answer on the second question is easy but not directly obvious.

Feb 29 2016 0

Disqus comment - Take 2

Heard back from David on my question if there was an easier way to get the Disqus shortname. And of course there is


This means that the global variable mentioned in the post Update on Disqus comment counts can be removed.

Feb 29 2016 0

Apps for February 2016

Here is an overview of all the apps I have bought (and still am using) for my iOS devices and/or Mac during the month of February. It has been a slow and therefore cheap month :)

Airmail - Your Mail With YouAirmail - Your Mail With You Airmail - Your Mail With You
Bloop S.R.L.
Version 1.0 There was already Airmail for the Mac and now it is also available for the iPhone, hoping for a version for an iPad as well (seems to be in beta right now). I have tried several email clients since I started using my iPhone and this is the first one that I think will actually stick.

One feature I really like is the iCloud syncing of settings/accounts.
Price € 4.99
Platform iPhone
Requires iOS 9+
Size 81 MB
Feb 25 2016 0

Create iOS application screenshots using snapshot

I am currently working on one of my iOS applications, WoW Realms. When all the coding and testing has been completed the time has come to update all of the screenshots needed when submitting the updated version to Apple for review. Since there are now 4 different screen sizes and I want to show 5 different screenshots I would need create 20 screenshots. I would have been even worse when the application was multi-lingual…

I already knew there were tools to help you automate these kind of tasks but I had never taken the time to really look into it. I decided the time had come to take the plunge. I decided to go for snapshot.

Feb 24 2016 0

Dispalying icons in Page titles - updated Feb 29

I was already using images in front of the fixed Menu/Page links (Home, Archives and Tags) and I wanted to be able to do the same for the additional pages. Putting an icon (using Font Awesome) directly in front of the title by either using the Title:’ or first #’ in the Markdown file for a page resulted in actual HTML code being displayed in the link. Not exactly what I was looking for…

Talking with David resulting in a change that now allows custom metadata to be used within {{#menu}} {{/menu}}. Couple of days after the implementation the functionality was broken…

Feb 23 2016 0


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