I live in an apartment which has a lot of square feet. The modem of my ISP is located in the Closet/Metering cupboard, meaning the Wi-Fi access-point is also there.
Initially I was using home-plugs from Devolo to get internet connectivity to the home-office and the living room. These are the rooms were initially I wanted ‘wired’ connections to be available. I had chosen home-plugs because I didn’t want to route network cables through the whole house. Although it is a relative new apartment it is not prepared for the current times.
Although Blot.im supports tags, it does not have a page displaying all of the tags used on your blog. A post will list the tags associated with it, and from a specific tag a page is available to list the posts sharing the same tag.
Using a simple bash script I generate a page containing all the tags I have been using in my posts. For each tag it also lists in how many posts it appears. Since the script is using bash (as well as the commands cat
, grep
, sed
, awk
, sort
and uniq
) it will only run on a Unix-based system. Maybe it will work on cygwin (“Get that Linux feeling - on Windows”) as well, but I have not tested this.
Since I have turned on line-numbering for code blocks, it gets applied to all blocks of code. This has a couple of downsides
- Numbering and syntax-highlighting gets applied to every code block regardless if it is displaying programming code or not
- Line-numbering always starts at line 1, when sometimes the code displayed is an excerpt of a larger piece
All of the post previously hosted on scriptogr.am have now been migrated to blot.im, except for the posts that were related to styling of the blog itself. Some posts might be revised over the coming days.
The following things still need to be done
To add a visual indication to links that are ‘external’ and take you away from my blog, have I added to the right-hand side of the link.
The icon is part Font-Awesome and the following piece of CSS code makes sure it gets added to all of the links that are using the target attribute. 1
On this page I document the changes I have made to the template (based on the template ‘Default’) I am using for my blog.
Changes to head.html
Since Scriptogr.am will be closing shop it was time to start looking for alternatives.
Via their twitter account they announced they would be shutting down the service on August 14th, 2015.
Coming out of my LEGO Dark Ages…
I have good memories from playing with LEGO as a kid and my interest for LEGO has been rekindled by helping out my 4 yr old nephew put together his Christmas gift.
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