Jul 08 2014 0

High CPU load on Mac Mini server

For quite some time my Mac Mini server was constantly running at high CPU loads causing the fan(s) to run also constantly full-out. Bad for the lifespan of the server and annoyingly noisy.

Based on the information from the Activity Monitor I did some searches (keywords Python and devicemgr since these were showing the highest CPU load) on the Internet, but nothing really useful stood out (or better said I didn’t make the connection…)

Mar 25 2014 0

Cloud Hash for iOS has been released

I am proud to announce that today I have released my second iOS application which is called Cloud Hash.

Cloud HashCloud Hash

Nov 20 2013 0

Additional Hubsan X4 Mods

After watching the video Hubsan X4 Tips & Tricks 2’ I decided to implement some of these tips

Oct 16 2013 0

Improvements to collection of sensor data (stubborn DHT22 sensor)

From time to time the script collecting data from sensors attached to my Raspberry Pi would stop working and the only thing that seemed to resolve the issue was to reboot the device. To have this somewhat automated I extended to rules module that would allow me to specify a shell command to be executed, in this case the command would be sudo reboot.

Also to make a bit more useful I can specify when the command needs to be executed, being always, never or results. The first two are self explanatory. When results is specified the command will only be executed if the rule query itself yields a result. You can find the code in my GitHub repository raspberrypi.

Sep 11 2013 0

Hubsan X4 v2 Camera mod

I recently bought a Hubsan X4 quad-copter and after some flying and crashes (already had to replace one of the rotors, blades and solder the power leads) I thought it would be nice to attach a camera to it.

Hubsan X4 v2Hubsan X4 v2

Sep 04 2013 0

Workplace Modifications

Since we have moved to our new apartment I started to make several modifications to my workplace. The reasons for me to start drilling and sawing into my desk are twofold.

The first reason is that I just have too much gadgets that I want to keep near at hand, second reason is that although there is a lot of stuff I still would like to keep my desk tidy.

Aug 30 2013 0

Certificate Expires Soon (Mac OS X Server)

Since a week or so I am receiving daily emails from my Mac Mini (running Mac OS X Server) that some certificates are expiring soon. Some of them could be easily renewed using Server.app by going to the Alerts and clicking on Renew’.

But some of them there is only the warning but not an option to renew the certificates

Aug 25 2013 0

Additional Rules

##Unhealthy Humidity##

Ever since we moved into our new apartment we noticed that the relative humidity is very low, sometimes even as low as 20%. This has caused some sparkling moments between my wife and myself…

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