Dec 22 2019 0

Grey Heron

Grey HeronGrey Heron
Dec 15 2019 0

Remember to recharge

Remember to rechargeRemember to recharge
Dec 14 2019 0


Jun 27 2019 0

Taking the bus to Split

Buses in Croatia are, to say the least, dramatically regulated (yes, I am still mild here).

Tickets seem to be sold unlimited, without thinking into account that there must also be a place for all those tickets in a physical bus. What a novel idea, every ticket sold represents at least one seat in the bus?

Jun 25 2019 0

Joystick tester

During the last couple of months I have collected a number of joysticks that need to be tested. I could just connect them to one of the ZX Spectrum computers for testing, but why take the risk if you can easily build a joystick tester .

Also it could come handy when on a fair you want to make sure a particular joystick is in working order before buying it.

Jan 04 2019 0

Red het braille, geef de smartphone knoppen

Red het braille, geef de smartphone knoppen

Jan 01 2019 0

Happy New Year

Happy New YearHappy New Year
Dec 31 2018 0

Building a micro-controller programmer

In preparation of assembling a TZXDuino (compact) I need to be able to program an Atmel ATmega328P micro-controller.

I have a bunch of Raspberry Pi’3 lying around doing nothing and it would be nice to be able to use one of these Raspberry Pi’s as a programmer unit. After some research there are plenty of tutorials available on how to program an ATmega328P micro-controller (and a couple of other micro-controllers) using a Raspberry Pi.

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